

Morgan Band Trumpets

The Music Education Philosophy

Music education enables students to make informed, aesthetic choices and is crucial to fulfilling one's human development. Music prepares students to recognize and value quality, while nurturing their sensitivities and feelings. Creating, performing and responding to music generates informed audiences and participants of the future. Music fosters creativity and independence, develops self-discipline and focus, and enhances self-esteem and knowledge. Music teaches critical thinking, problem solving, risk taking, teamwork and communication, all of which are the tools that lead to success in life. Music links the heritage of our past to the cultures of the present and future. Our diverse society is continually enriched by music.

We further believe that:

  • Music has intrinsic and aesthetic value to all.

  • Music is significant to the life-long development of every person.

  • Music defines and communicates cultures.

  • Music expresses ideas and emotions.

  • Music touches the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Music is a compelling, meaningful, and powerful force in our lives.

  • Music will play an important role in a person's life when they achieve skills in creating, performing, and listening to music.

  • The life of every student and adult is enriched by the skills, knowledge and habits acquired in the study of music.

  • Current research clearly demonstrates that studying music enhances brain function and increases student achievement.

  • Music education is essential for all students.

  • Music is a vital part of the core curriculum.

  • Performances in choral and instrumental ensembles are important components to music education.

  • The study of music is vital to the appreciation and understanding of our culture and the cultures of the world.

  • Musicianship is a unique and major source of self-esteem.

  • Music education spans from early childhood through adulthood.

  • Music enhances other curricular areas and provides a source of creative problem solving.

  •  All students experience success in music.

As a result of this K-12 Music Curriculum, students will:

1. Sing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

2. Perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

3. Improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments.

4. Compose and arrange music.

5. Read and notate music.

6. Listen to, describe, and analyze music.

7. Evaluate music and music performances.

8. Understand the relationship between music, the other arts, other
disciplines and daily life.

9. Appreciate music in relation to history and culture.

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